Okay, last March I was taking, as I called it, the blogging plunge! Funny thing...I wrote on it once (about my house) and never sent it out or updated it again. I am going to try to be better at this stuff from now on; I have made a commitment to Sabrina and I am sticking to it.
We did finally finish our home last April. We love it! It is so nice to be able to call something our own...even though the bank has control.
A few months after we moved in we had our first little one...
Addyson Lynn Hamilton. She entered our lives on July 23rd; 8.4 lbs and 21 inches long. To me she was huge! I was induced on the 22
nd because she was not coming and my due date was the 23rd. I was planning a beautiful labor with all the drugs I could get to make it peaceful! What I got was...a not so beautiful, drug free, big baby, painful -me making a few noises- labor. Needless to say, my pain
meds wore off and the doc did not care! He was just focused on getting my baby girl out after her heart rate jumped. But, the one cool thing is, I can say I gave birth all NATURAL and I will never do it again. Unless of course I don't have a choice again.
She did not have a good trip either, here are her battle
wounds from being suctioned out...

Here are some pictures of Addy over the past 3 months...

Family pictures, my brother had a little boy (Coleman) 3 months before Addy was born.

Loving cousins already!!!

Addy was a Little Lamb for her first Halloween.

Some highlights of Addy
First of all, Travis has been the best Dad. To preface my story, he has never been around a baby, so everything is new to him...changing diapers, feeding, bathing, etc. He is also very
squeamish about baby poop and throw-up.
The second night we were home I was in bed trying to get some sleep and Travis was taking care of Addy. Well, Addy decided it would be a good time to have a BM. Travis, being the man he is, decided changing a diaper can't be that hard. So, with out any training, he decided to change his first diaper...
poopy and all!!! He opened the diaper up with one hand, while holding his nose with the other, and stood as far back as possible trying not to lose his dinner.
Addyson started kicking her feet all over in the diaper! So now he had more of a mess than just her bum. All along he is trying to clean all of this up with one hand because he can't take his other hand off his nose. By the time he was done he had a pile of wipes 30 high, but
Addyson was actually clean! Good job Dad, first diaper out of the way.
Before his next diaper change I gave him some lessons on how to hold the feet and keep things clean. He had all the steps down to be a professional diaper changer now....
Next BM that Dad had to change...he goes into the room more confident than the first time, knowing what to do this time. He starts taking off the diaper, while holding her feet and following the "steps". He has her butt in the air getting the next wipe and Addy thought it would be funny to finish pooping!! I am clear across the house and I hear "Oh my hell, Tiffani HELP me...help....help". I thought he had killed our daughter, so I go running into the bedroom almost in tears at this point and see him with her legs in the air and poop every where. All he could say was, "I followed all the steps, I did everything right and she shot poop everywhere". I was rolling on the floor about to pee my pants...I was no help to him because I could not compose myself. He waited patiently while I got my laughs out so I could take over. As I assessed things, I found poop on two adjacent walls, the doll on the changing table, the wipe warmer, and...his face! Needless to say, he ran to the shower and was very reluctant to change another diaper. He has changed many since with no troubles!!! Great job Dad!